Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer '13

Wey Hey  :) We are back people! Hope you missed us......or not! If you did or didn't still thank you for all the views that let us know that you guys actually see our post! we work really hard on them. Today we are dedicating this post to the upcoming summer. We want to make a list of the essentials this season, please comment if you like anything and maybe what would you like for us to do next. Enjoy <3


Shorts :)

crop tops :)

Hope you enjoyed and we hope to see some feed back :) -L&M 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Eighth Grade Promotion

What are you wearing for your Eighth Grade Promotion?
    Maria and I are eighth graders at Pan-American Charter School in Arizona. We are soon going to be attending our eighth grade promotion. We know its always hard to find the perfect dress that will show that you have grown up and are a professional teenager that is ready to leave their elementary inner child in that church. Since we can relate to them we are dedicating this post to showing girls examples of the perfect dresses and cardigans you can compliment your look with for promotion. Enjoy :)

Now, the Hairstyles that will help you look good and let you stay comfortable without the need to keep fixing yourself.

Those were some examples of the things you want to wear and the hairstyles you can do for prom. Remember there are lots of  options but those are just some of the stuff we thought was cute. Please comment on your favorite dress or hairstyle. NOW, to end the post, things not to wear or do.
Girls please don't hurt your hair like this! And its not very appropriate for the occasion either.
Girls please don't wear something like this! it is s a school event that  even your parents will be attending . RESPECT!

And just basically take care of yourself, don't embarrass yourself and try to look your best. Don't go overboard  with the makeup!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pastel Vs. Neon colors

What is the better choice? Pastels or Neon colors?

Which colors are the best colors for this spring or up coming summer?
What are neon colors?
Fluorescent is the emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light or other electromagnetic radiation. It is a form of luminescence. In most cases, the emitted light has a longer wavelength, and therefore lower energy, than the absorbed radiation. (Wikipedia)

What are pastels?
Pale delicate colors. (

Leave A Comment On What You Think Will Be The Trend This Up Coming Summer!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Our RANT : )

Ferrari's:  Why are they so popular?

Just like any other brand it all started because someone saw a celebrity wearing it and all of the sudden every single one of their products is “amazing”. Are every single ONE of their products amazing or is it just brand fever? Are you willing to spend 100 dollars more just because it has the little stamp of Ferrari? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then you need to reevaluate your life. We honestly think that half of the people who wear them just do it because they fall into peer pressure or they're just that desperate to fit in. There is no difference in wearing normal Pumas, than wearing some with the little yellow stamp that is probably bigger than your brain if you actually think that you're "cooler" is you have the stamp. Are you actually that naive to not realize that regular Pumas and Ferrari's are exactly the same? You would actually pay more for that dumb stamp? Come on people! You are falling into the trap of the companies you are being the "dumb consumers" why don't you sit there and think how much extra do you think the companies pay to put the little stamp? Now, how much more are you paying for the "special stamp? Well, now that i have got your mind working then i would like to show you just how much more the little stamp is affecting your wallet.
Ferrari Pumas $110
  Difference in PRICES & FEATURES
Normal Pumas $60


Monday, April 15, 2013

We are back!! Hey guys hope you didn't miss us too much! This week we will be working on the blog very frequently. Look forward to some new stuff because we have decided to try to blog about some different topics; still involving fashion of course.